Visitors will leave your site via external links, we can’t fight it. But we can gather data on where the user is going and what pages they are exiting from with just a little bit of JavaScript.
Solving the close browser / tab event issue
A simple, yet not quite foolproof method to determine if an onbeforeunload event was cause by actually closing the browser window or tab.
A shorthand substring search function for JavaScript
Make your life about 1% easier by creating a convenience substring search method on the JavaScript String prototype.
Slightly better fragment id scrolling
Don’t bother reading this post. It satisfies a personal itch and will appeal to maybe 1% of the webdev crowd. I’ll do better next time!
Maintaining Element Expand / Collapse State (throughout your site)
One usability enhancement that I recently became aware of was the ability of a website to store my expand / collapse state of various elements on the page, between page loads.
Dynamic Fragment Identifiers – A New Technique to avoid “jumpy links”
Maintaining scroll position between page loads is one of those “silent” usability enhancements that makes users love using your website without really knowing why. It only makes sense in certain applications and there are a few ways to make it happen.
Using Lazy Definition to load JavaScript libraries on demand
With the number of amazing JavaScript libraries out there, it’s tempting to overload our pages with http connections that load these scripts and immediately execute them. We can spare our user’s bandwidth and page load time by combining two popular techniques.
The back button cache – taming it with HTML 5
The browser back button has been a thorn in every web developers side since the early days of the web. HTML 5 storage offers us a unique way to avoid using AJAX to updated certain page elements in the event that the back button is pressed.
Storing UI preferences on the client side
AJAX has been a blessing, but with the vast majority of browsers now support HTML 5 storage, we have an opportunity to enhance web user interfaces in a more efficient way.
Prefer conditional loading of social network scripts
Are you loading social network button scripts on your site unnecessarily, and increasing your page load time in the process?