Time: 25 minutes I created this post about provisioning a new CentOS server years ago before CentOS 7 was depreceted. Well, time to update things…
4 Tips to Preventing WordPress Mail Server Spam
A quick checklist to help you eliminate any sources of mail server spam created by scripts that uploaded to your WordPress site’s writeable folders.
Installing ImageMagick on CentOS for use with PHP
It’s not brain science, but it did take me a reasonable amount of time to figure out how to properly configure my CentOS server for using ImageMagick with PHP.
Amazon RDS with MySQL – My Experience
Migrating a database over to Amazon RDS isn’t an all day event, but you will run into a couple snags. This post points out two issues that I ran into and quick solutions.
Are you backing up your cron table?
Most of us have some kind of secondary or off-site backup of our files & data, but may not have considered backing up the “heartbeat” of our server – the cron table.
Linux – Change file ownership from one user to another
Changing file and group ownership from one user or group to another is a common requirement in the server admin world, here are two quick tips on how to go about it.
Dynamic Session Timeouts – Rewarding site progress with a longer session
Most server-side languages aren’t very flexible when it comes to session timeouts, by leveraging JavaScript we can conserve server memory while offering our most valuable visitors a lofty session timeout.
Using Lazy Definition to load JavaScript libraries on demand
With the number of amazing JavaScript libraries out there, it’s tempting to overload our pages with http connections that load these scripts and immediately execute them. We can spare our user’s bandwidth and page load time by combining two popular techniques.
Prefer conditional loading of social network scripts
Are you loading social network button scripts on your site unnecessarily, and increasing your page load time in the process?
Setting up a new linux web server
Setting up a new server isn’t something we do often enough to recall every step in detail. This reference should help serve as a guide when it comes time to provision a brand new linux server.