If you wish to determine a remote visitor's country, city, state, postal code and other location information, I'd personally recommend integrating with a web service which maintains a current database.
Our service of choice is MaxMind's GeoIP Web Service.
Integration is a snap with a simple HTTP GET request. ColdFusion example code is provided below:
<cffunction name="locationInfo" access="public" output="false" returntype="struct">
<cfset locationDict = StructNew()>
<cfset ip = cgi.REMOTE_HOST>
<cfhttp method="get" url="geoip3.maxmind.com/f?l=D90rjl5Oq9km&i=#ip#" result="info"></cfhttp>
<cfset info = info.Filecontent>
<cfset locationDict.country = ListGetAt(info,1)>
<cfset locationDict.state = ListGetAt(info,2)>
<cfset locationDict.city = ListGetAt(info,3)>
<cfset locationDict.postal = ListGetAt(info,4)>
<cfset locationDict.country = "">
<cfset locationDict.state = "">
<cfset locationDict.city = "">
<cfset locationDict.postal = "">
<cfreturn locationDict>
Note the error handling, which gracefully returns an empty string for all values, in the event the web service is down, or has change it's response format.