A quick checklist to help you eliminate any sources of mail server spam created by scripts that uploaded to your WordPress site’s writeable folders.
Web Productivity, WordPress & Broken Images Tip in Week #7
I’m all over the place this week. WordPress, JavaScript, CSS, Chrome Extensions & Web Productivity. Learned a few things and sharing makes me feel good!
Setting up WordPress Multisite
WordPress Multisite is a great option for web hosts, but also for companies that require different themes for different departments. It’s easy to setup, but there a few tricks I learned along the way.
Connecting your blog, Google Authorship & Google Plus
Seeing the picture of an article author next to a listing not only grabs attention, but somehow lends credibility to the article. Grouped together with…
Website security scanner – try it – you never know
In my case, I didn't know. Well, to be 100% accurate, I did find out that one of my clients fell victim to a WordPress…
WP E-Commerce Gold Cart Product Gallery – no lightbox
I was pumped to upgrade to the Gold Cart plugin for WP E-Commerce today, but was disappointed to find that the product gallery lightboxes simply…
Quick WordPress SEO Tip
When searching for an answer to a problem today, I was surprised to find one of my posts in the "top 10" on Google. I…
WordPress – List Authors plugin – exclude admins
If you've had the need to list all authors/contributors on your WordPress site in a sidebar widget, you may have come across the simple, yet…