SiteKickr Web Development

Web developers finish last

When you work for a web development firm, advertising agency or related business, as a web developer, you are typically one piece of the project life-cycle, the last piece! Once a delivery date is agreed upon, project managers dole work out to copywriters and designers, who typically have breathing room, as their task is early in the life-cycle.

More often than not, that breathing room is abused, leaving the web team at a big disadvantage when they are left cramming to build a high quality site in, at some extremes, just a couple days. Understandably, this leads to low quality websites which aren't scalable , don't validate, aren't performance optimized, and are weak on the SEO standards.

If you are a freelancer, the disadvantage multiplies, as many times, you aren't even kept in the loop on how the project is progressing, making it difficult to schedule other work.

There are actions you can take, on a large scale, as well as on a smaller scale to help mitigate your stress level as well as keep your clients happy.




Defensive strategies really only should be used when your job or reputation for timely and quality work is at stake, at no fault of your own. 

Take Responsibility

If you, the developer are truly to blame, there are a few things you can do to smooth things over.